Welcome to the Renaissance.
To redeem, to rebuild, to restore.

rəˈneɪsəns. rebirth.
The Britannica Dictionary defines the renaissance as “a period marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom.” In the same way, we believe that a new renaissance is happening today — that we are being marked by a revival of beauty, truth, and goodness.
the vision.
To transform and renew the arts by bringing the light, truth, and beauty of Jesus Christ to artists and art communities across Canada.
the mission.
At its core, Renaissance Canada exists to support, inspire, and walk alongside artists as they discover Jesus, equipping them to shine light into the culture through their craft and impact Canada’s arts with the message of hope. Through discipleship, artistic support, and meaningful connections, we empower artists to not only flourish, but be restorers of culture and inspire hope. Our mission is to cultivate a movement where the arts reflect the goodness of God, creating a place where creativity, faith, and truth intersect, bringing life to those who encounter it.
the ethos.
We live in a world that can feel fragmented and chaotic, where beauty is sometimes hard to find amid the noise. Yet, the arts have long been a beacon of light—a way to convey hope, beauty, truth, and goodness. Why does art move us so deeply? Why does it stop us in our tracks and evoke emotions we can't easily express? Humanity has an innate longing for beauty and meaning, and art has the unique power to meet us in this place, saying what words sometimes cannot.
Artists possess an extraordinary gift: the ability to confront brokenness and injustice through their work and to inspire change without uttering a single word. Art can act as both a mirror and a balm, reflecting what is true while offering a vision of what could be. But for the arts to continue as a source of hope and light, we must support artists and nurture the creative spirit.
Renaissance Canada is inspired by the powerful call in Isaiah 61—to bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for captives, and shine light in dark places. We believe that artists play a vital role in this vision. Artisans, creators, and builders have always been set apart to bring beauty into the world. By partnering with this creative calling, we can contribute to restoring and uplifting our culture.
Our mission is clear: to redeem, rebuild, and restore. To help usher in a new renaissance of beauty and hope that speaks to our shared humanity.
Let’s get to work.
bridging the gap.
How exactly will Renaissance Canada reach the artist community?
There are currently three major areas of need:
The Artists | There is a mental health and affordability crisis among Canadian artists.
The mental health crisis is at an all-time high within the artist demographic in Canada. Research has shown that 73% of artists experience anxiety or depression. This is significantly higher than the general population in Canada.
In 2024, over 50% of artists reported a yearly personal income of under $40,000. There is an affordability crisis among Canadian artists, and with the rising costs of living, this makes it increasingly difficult for artists to continue working as artists.
Nearly 70% of artists struggle with feelings of isolation, and 60% report mental health challenges tied to the pressures of their work. Artists are facing more than financial obstacles— they’re navigating a culture that often feels hollow, dark, and devoid of real purpose.
Artists are among the marginalized community in Canada. With these statistics, we must respond. We cannot afford to continue losing artists to mental health, to a loss of passion or purpose, or a lack of support, encouragement, or care.
As we are reminded by scripture, Humanity is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Humanity is also God’s greatest creation; masterpiece; the magnum opus. As God, the Creator and Master Artist, has endowed us with this likeness, we hold an inherent responsibility to create. We have a task to partner with the Creator in liberating creation from its bondage to death and decay, bringing it into the freedom and glory that we, as children of God, experience (Romans 8:18-23). While we are all called to that, artists have a unique ability to outwork this call through their creative calling; through their artistic abilities. Through the fundamental act of creating, we step into this commission, joining in God’s restorative work through our craft.
The Arts | There is a culture crisis affecting how the arts are represented and understood, which is a deeper issue concerning a theological understanding of beauty.
The arts are not only sacred, but biblical. Throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, we witness the sanctity of creating, crafting, and making. In Exodus 31, we encounter Bezalel and Oholiab, who are specifically called to engage in ‘all kinds of crafts.’ Bezalel is filled with the Spirit of God, receiving wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to fulfill the task before him. Remarkably, this is the first recorded instance of the Holy Spirit coming upon a person in Scripture — and it is for an artistic purpose. This underscores that God not only values the arts, but sees them as an integral part of building His kingdom here on earth.
However, as we are reminded in Romans 8:18-23, all of earth is subjected to bondage and decay as a result of sin. The once-beautiful thing that God had always intended the arts to be, has been distorted as a result of human destruction and carelessness. The arts are also broken, resulting in a culture crisis. The arts are not what they ought to be: a source of beauty, truth, and goodness. As we’ve seen from scripture, this is how God had always intended the art of making and creating to be— for all skilled people to join in the task of making the broken into beautiful. To reveal God’s glory through art, through story, through beauty. This is so that we may be able to bring healing, justice, and transformation to a world in need, through the language of beauty.
The Church | There is a theological gap in understanding the intersection of faith and the arts.
Historically, artists were commissioned by the Church to portray the gospel message of Jesus Christ through various kinds of artistic work: music, opera, painting, sculpture, architecture, poetry, stained glass design… Artists were once incredibly important to society, playing an integral part towards human flourishing: often contributing beautiful works that caught the attention of royal families, nobility, and the clergy. Many artists and their works have a significant mark and legacy throughout history.
Artists have always carried this unique calling and commission: to restore beauty in the world through their work. However, this has not been easily seen or understood by the Church. As a result, artists and their gifts have not been seen or cared for in the ways that need to be. This is a problem that can be remedied through community, mentorship, and intentional care. However, this doesn’t speak to the larger problem at hand— there is a significant theological gap in the understanding of the intersection of faith and the arts within the Church. This is in part, due to the lack of understanding of artists’ role in society. What once was an important role for human flourishing has been reduced to artists and the arts being at the bottom of the societal chain. This back-and-forth has caused great divide and suspicion between the Church and the Art world. Yet, artists are needed. They were needed in biblical times, and they are needed now more than ever.
The Arts and artists have the power to shape culture, tell stories, and inspire change for a better future. The Church must respond in creating spaces for artists to not only come to Jesus, but to create spaces for artists to once again create works that would call the attention of the world back towards the Creator of all that is beautiful.

our pillars.
We believe that humanity is created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). As God, the Creator and Master Artist, has endowed us with this likeness, we hold an inherent responsibility to create.
We affirm that the Holy Spirit empowers and calls us to create. It is not merely a gift but a command—to prepare sacred spaces where the Lord may dwell (Exodus 31).
We embrace and uphold the prophetic vision of Isaiah 61, echoed by Christ in Luke 5, that we are called and anointed to proclaim good news to the poor, to declare freedom for the captives, and to announce the year of the Lord’s favor. We are also called to rebuild ancient ruins, restore devastated places, and renew cities that have long lain in ruin (Isaiah 61:4).
Our task is to partner in liberating creation from its bondage to death and decay, bringing it into the freedom and glory that we, as children of God, experience (Romans 8:18-23). Through the fundamental act of creating, we step into this commission, joining in God’s restorative work through our craft.
We believe that the arts are not only biblically endorsed but are also sacred. Throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, we witness the sanctity of creating, crafting, and making. In Exodus 31, we encounter Bezalel and Oholiab, who are specifically called to engage in “all kinds of crafts.” Bezalel is filled with the Spirit of God, receiving wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to fulfill the work before him. Remarkably, this is the first recorded instance of the Holy Spirit coming upon a person in Scripture—and it is for an artistic purpose. This underscores that God not only values the arts but sees them as integral to building His kingdom here on earth.
With this in mind, we are reminded that artists carry a unique calling and commission: to restore beauty in the world through their work. They hold a distinct responsibility, echoing the prophetic charge of Isaiah 61, to redeem, restore, and rebuild the ruins. We are entrusted with the stewardship of our gifts and invited to partner with God, the Master Artist, in bringing healing, justice, and transformation to a world in need—through the language of beauty.
We believe that life was never meant to be lived in isolation; this is a fundamental biblical principle. The arts, however, can often be a lonely and isolating space, a reality that has had tragic consequences throughout history. We are committed to breaking this cycle by creating environments where artists feel safe, seen, known, and loved. Our goal is to support not only your well-being but also the flourishing of your craft.
This begins with community and conversation. As a foundational pillar of Renaissance, we are dedicated to establishing intentional spaces and communities where artists can connect with like-minded individuals and cultivate deeper relationships. We invite artists to dream together, create together, and work towards a brighter future for the arts and artists across Canada.
We believe in the equipping and commissioning of the saints—including artists. Our aim is not only to provide resources and support but also to empower artists to be a light in the diverse spaces they inhabit.
The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians, “We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it” (Ephesians 2:10 TPT).
As masterpieces created by the Master Artist, we are called as saints to partner with His Spirit to bring forth the good works He began on earth. As a core pillar, we are committed to commissioning, supporting, and covering artists as they pursue their calling in the arts. As we send them out, our prayer is that each artist may become a beacon of light to those they encounter along the way.
Get involved!
The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. We’re always looking for people to help out and support our mission in different ways — whether that be financially, physically, or prayerfully, we want you to be part of our team! Click any one of the buttons below to get involved. Become a grower of goodness.